
Solaris 10 zones - increase timeout while shutting down

Recently I encountered a problem while shutting down Solaris 10 zone with an application which is closing quite long - it happened a few times that the application had not enough time for its shutdown. We can give more time for a zone by changing its properties using svccfg:

# svccfg
svc:> select system/zones
svc:/system/zones> listprop stop/timeout_seconds
stop/timeout_seconds  count    100
svc:/system/zones> setprop stop/timeout_seconds=900
svc:/system/zones> listprop stop/timeout_seconds
stop/timeout_seconds  count    900

Don't forget about the last important (and necessary !!!) step:

# svcadm refresh svc:/system/zones 

Thats it - now the zones has 15 minutes for its shutdown before they are halted.